Sunday Sketches

An African Grey and a pretty swan for today's sketches.(#42&#43)

Linking up to Sunday Sketches


  1. You are so good with your left hand now!

  2. I agree with Christine - you would never know this was not your dominant hand. These are great!
    Was the curved neck hardest... because you have it perfectly balanced. beautiful flow.

  3. Wow, these are fantastic! In just a few short weeks you really can't tell this was done with your left hand.

  4. Heck, I couldn't do that... with my right hand, much less with the left!

  5. Wonderful sketches, Jennifer. I don't think I've ever heard of an African Grey. LOVE learning about birds and animals via your sketch blog. Seriously. Hope you have a great week! :)

  6. How wonderful that African Grey is and the swan is gorgeous. You've become so great with your left hand. I love these!

  7. thanks Christine :)

    thank you Julie :) the curved neck was so hard to draws lol had to move the paper around when I was drawing it :)

    thanks Paula :) I am glad people are seeing an improvement

    Thank you Latane :) you could with practice, anyone could :)

    thanks Alexandra :) African Greys are great parrots, not too big and can be very talkative. but like most parrots, live a long time and need more care than people think

    thank you Lisa :)

  8. Very impressive. I love the swan.


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